Mould is one pervasive issue that can have far-reaching consequences for your health or the health of your employees. It crops up in moist conditions, whether that means from excess moisture in the air in the form of humidity or a leaky toilet in the office restroom. Fortunately, you can maintain your surfaces’ cleanliness and eliminate mould spores at the source.
Keep in mind that you’ll need to take some precautions before you tackle cleaning mould. If you plan to clean the mould yourself, you should wear an N-95 mask to avoid inhaling spores, elbow-length gloves, and a pair of goggles (preferably those without ventilation holes).
If you’re prepared to get rid of mould for good, here are the best ways to clean it up:
Scrub Clean
The first thing you need to do to effectively clean mould is to scrub off as much as you can. This applies to hard surfaces like bathroom tile or even windowsills. You can scrub those surfaces hard without fear of damaging them. If you need to remove mould from something softer, like drywall, be patient and use a gentle rag to eliminate as much of the mould as you can.
From there, you can spray it with dish soap or one of the homemade solutions in the next section. Scrub with your cleaner and then allow it to soak for a short period. When finished, dry the area as thoroughly as possible with a clean rag.
Homemade Solutions
Fortunately, you’ll find that many of the solutions that are designed to stop mould in its tracks are readily available. Some you may find in your supply closet—and you can start the process immediately. The first solution you can use is undiluted white vinegar. There’s no need to add water to it—simply apply it to the mould and let it soak before rinsing.
If you want something stronger, bleach is another great option, but it has harsh fumes. Bleach is an extremely strong cleaner, so you’ll want to dilute it with water. One cup of bleach to one gallon of water is the ideal ratio. Spray the mould and allow the bleach to dry. There’s no need to rinse.
Last but not least, you can kill mould with ammonia and water. This is a strong cleaner as well, but it can be used in higher ratios than bleach and water. Mix half ammonia and half water, spray the mixture onto the mould, let it soak for three hours, and then rinse with fresh water.
Leave It to the Professionals
There are quite a few risks to your health when it comes to eliminating a stubborn mould problem. If you don’t have the time, equipment, or the cleaning solutions to handle it on your own, enlist the help of professionals. Anago Cleaning Systems offers high-quality and thorough office cleaning in Winnipeg to help you tackle problems like this one—head-on.