

5 Most Effective Carpet Cleaning Methods

Top 5 Most Effective Carpet Cleaning Methods – Steam Vs. Dry Vs. Foam

By | Cleaning

Keeping your carpet clean helps keep your business looking great—and it removes allergens that could make your staff and visitors sick. From getting rid of dust mites to removing trapped dirt, the best carpet cleaning methods can make your business a more pleasant place to work and visit.

There’s more than one way to clean a carpet, and in this article, we’ll go over the 5 most effective carpet cleaning methods: Read More

floor cleaning

Cleaning Challenges in High-Traffic Areas

By | Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning high-traffic facilities, there are unique challenges to face and address before cleaning can commence. It takes some extra effort to keep high-traffic areas clean and pristine for your employees and clients. How can you manage the numerous challenges of keeping your business clean and ready to function? 

These challenges for areas with high foot traffic will help you think through your cleaning process:  Read More

Anago Cleaning Systems

The Difference Between Deep Cleaning & Regular Cleaning

By | Cleaning

Are you thinking of hiring a cleaning service but are unsure exactly what type of cleaning you need? Some business owners puzzle over the difference between a deep cleaning service and a regular cleaning service. We’ll explain what cleaning tasks you’ll see with each type so that you can make an informed decision.

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How Commercial Cleaning Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

By | Cleaning

Breathing in and out. It’s something we do every moment of our lives. Whether we’re at home, at work, awake, or asleep, we’re constantly inhaling the air around us—no matter its quality.

The air quality in your home is one thing. After all, you’ve got some control over that. But at work or in other commercial settings, not so much. Read More

3 Tips To Keep High Traffic Areas In Your Facility Clean

By | Cleaning

Cleanliness is so essential for your business—not just from a health and safety perspective, but for your reputation, too. According to a survey, 95% of customers believe that a clean business is an indication of a great company. 

So, how do you leave a great impression on your customers? You need to keep high-traffic areas clean at all times. And that’s no easy thing to do. Here are three ways to maintain cleanliness at your commercial facility:

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The Checklist For Keeping Hallways Tidy

By | Cleaning


The hallway is one of the busiest areas of your small business, so it’s important to keep it clear. Managing the clutter, keeping the area safe for walking, and allowing your cleaning crew to vacuum and tidy up are essential. What savvy moves can you make so that your halls are more accessible and visually appealing? 


If you need some help keeping your hallways tidy, this checklist will give you a few fresh ideas to manage this space effectively: Read More