
Email Your Staff Members to Reduce Sickness

By March 11, 2019Cleaning, Office Cleaning

Flu and cold are still in season. Are your visitors, coworkers, as well as staff members sneezing and coughing? An illness may quickly spread, particularly when we’re working closely together and are inside during the colder season.

The flu spreads as individuals who have a sickness talk, sneeze, or cough, and spray droplets of disease all over the surfaces and objects other folks touch and use all day long. The flu also spreads into the eyes, noses, as well as mouths of others nearby.

From that point, flu is able to take a ride from one place or surface to another through touch, or from the hands to the mouth, nose or eyes. Here’s the bottom line: more people get ill. The more folks who get sick, the less productivity there is in the office.

Anago Cleaning Systems recommends sending out an email to staff members about simplistic ways to assist in preventing the spread of flu and colds in the office. Here, we list one example which you might use if you want.

What are you actually doing to fight the cold and flu in the workplace this year? Feel free to make a comment in the comment section of this blog with any of your ideas. Go battle some germs!

A sample email:

Flu and colds are still in season. Help protect yourself, as well as the ones around you.

If you aren’t feeling well:

  • When you sneeze or cough, use a tissue then toss it out. If you do not really have a tissue on hand, cover your mouth then wash your hands. Germs actually travel from your nose and mouth to surfaces and other people throughout the building.
  • If you cannot remain at home, keep your distance from other people. Do not hug people or shake hands while you are sick. Try conducting meetings over the phone rather than in person.
  • Be mindful of those things you touch which are commonly used by other people, like microwave buttons, door handles, telephones, desktops, as well as other items which may hang onto the flu bug for a while. Frequently wash your hands using soap, hot water, and twenty seconds of scrubbing.

If you are feeling good and wish to avoid getting ill:

  • Know all of the germ “hot spots” in the office. For instance, the average phone contains 400 times more germs than a toilet seat. Correctly disinfect your work space.
  • Avoid touching the mouth, nose, as well as eyes. Germs rapidly spread from surfaces to the hands into the body. The average individual touches her or his face three to five times per minute!
  • Frequently wash your hands. Do not just place them under the water for few seconds. Use soap and hot water and hum the “Happy Birthday” song two times (in your head) to be certain that you’re scrubbing long enough. And then dry completely.

For more information on our commercial facilities cleaning contact Anago Cleaning Systems today!